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The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them...
Tiada Jawapan
Friday, October 12, 2007
Big Girls Don't Cry
Currently listening to this song.. (Dem...miss my litta girl...very muchhh!)

The smell of your skin lingers on me now
You're probably on your flight back to your home town
I need some shelter of my own protection baby
To be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity

I hope you know,
I hope you know
That this has nothing to do with you
It's personal, myself and I
We've got some straightenin' out to do
And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry
Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry

The path that I'm walking
I must go aloneI must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown
Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they?
And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay

Like the little school mate in the school yard
We'll play jacks and uno cards
I'll be your best friend and you'll be mine Valentine
Yes you can hold my hand if you want to
Cause I want to hold yours too
We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds
But it's time for me to go homeIt's getting late, dark outside
I need to be with myself and center, clarity
Peace, Serenity...

Walawehh... its been longgg....longgg...time tak jenguk blog. 2 years? erm..username & password pun hampir2 dah luput dr ingatan. Ada juga lah few mail account yg dah expired (inactive) sbb dah lama benar aku tak login. :D .. ni pun puas jugak la perak otak nak mengingat balik apa username aku.. heh.. got it! ..
Anyway, afterthis tak pasti lah bila lagi aku update blog nih..Esok dah sibuk nak masak rendang & buat apa yg patut, tapi aku masih lagi direhatkan...duduk goyang kaki lagi...So, kepada pengunjung setia sejak 2 tahun yg lepas & sahabat yg masih aktif blogging, Selamat Hari Raya Maaf zahir Batin... berhati2 dijalan raya... :D.. tadaaaa....
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Words to remind myself
Currently Listening to Big Big Girls by Emilia.

Do it for yourself.. and not for others.

If you do it for others, they will let u down. You might not know it now, but you will.


When you stumbled hard and fallen down, and they will watch you from afar, and questions why you've fallen? Rather than acknowledge that you've been hurt and help you get up.

I should know, I've been there remember?

Do this for your own future. Only then will you know that whatever happen, you'll be where you want to be...one day...at your own pace, at your own pride.
Even if you've stumbled, you'll get up again, because it is your future that's at stake.

When you are successful, let them take the ride with you, but don't let them be your main purpose for success. Most people doesn't want to be around when we've fallen. Some may even feel ashamed to be associated with us.

But do they know what the future holds for us? One day, when we are high and mighty, those same people, who might have lost faith in us, will try to get close again, and be around, and mention our name as closest to theirs.

That's how the world is...
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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Raya's fever lah pulak...
Currently Listening to Melly Goeslaw feat. Krisdayanti - Cinta

Salam & gewd day ppl!! Hari ni aku mc! Fever attack lah.. 2 days already. Semalam half day, tengari dah tak tahan sgt seseme meleleh dr idung.. called my buddy to bring me to clinic. Dpt lah mc for that day... but then.. doc tak bg ubat sore throat. Las nite had a walk with my buddy to clinic nearby my house. Doc said.. my throat quite teruk.. so dpt "gula-gula" & mc! hehe.. last nite was really a terrible nite. Cant sleep properly due to cold & thiz sore throat..... wheeewwww......
Hey... las monday i travel back from hometown early morning with my buddy. 730am from hometown... 820 sampai KL. Was worried that Jalan Tun Razak jem... heh..once again..lengang giler.. bes tul.. all the way from Sg Besi till my office.. no traffic congested! Camni tetiap minggu bleh balik kl hari Isnin yek! Hehe...
Okey ppl... i should go & rest my head by now.. Till then.. Nice day ahead!!
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Saturday, November 05, 2005
Raya mood
Curently listening to Kenny G - The Music That Makes me Dance

Hey... first of all.. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all my buddies.. Maaf Zahir Batin. Kengkawan yg tak dpt balik "kg" raya.. sabar2 lah yer. Macam tak biasa beraya jauh dari family. Tahun ni tak sempat nak dajal you all dgn kad raya lagu Sudirman.. takda masa nak buat lah.. Selamat lah untuk tahun nih. Hehehe....
This year, raya aku macam tahun2 lepas, rasanya makin hambar!!! UIkss.. ye kot? Cepat sgt bulan Ramadhan berlalu. Sedar tak sedar dah pun 1 Syawal. 3 days before raya, aku kena kerja. Terpaksa balik KL semata2 kena kerja untuk 1 hari tu ja.. Sib baik la my buddy pun kerja on the same day, travel pergi kerja pepagi around 7.55 am dari rumah kg... 8.45 am dah sampai Jalan Tun Razak, awal gila sampai, jalan clear... siap boleh pegi round Sg Wang kejap. Balik kg around 9pm.. tu pun sempat pergi shopping kat Jalan TAR jap.
Today... dah masuk 3rd day raya, 1st day raya lagi aku bleh tertidur kat hall.. ngantuks sgt sey.. 2 hari sebelum raya dok mengemas/cuci rumah. Dalam sampai luar.. erghhh... letih. Kalau mood nak kemas semua dah sampai... tak kira lah puasa ke tak.. janji aku puas hati tgk suma bersih. 2nd day.... not going anywhere, tgu org dtg rumah ja.. petang my buddies dtg rumah. Lama tul tak jumpa you all.. btw thanks for coming guys, hari ni maybe nak sambung pergi merayau rumah yg lain2 pulak.
This weekend dah nak balik KL.. not sure nak balik on Sunday or Monday morning lagi. Banyak benda nak kena buat balik KL nanti. Okey fellas... ada benda nak kena study sket.. Nite & take care ya!!
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
Currently Listening to January by Kenny G feat Glenn

Friend of mine came tonite, hand in "buku sekolah". Sekali imbas, whewww... banyak benda nak kena recall balik nih.. those abbreviations.. switch.. multiplexer.. bla bla bla. Masa amik Data Communication dulu.. bit easy, belajar tang surface ja. Wooo.. i want to make it!
Shall i make it this way..
-Had nasi lemak for fasting break today rite infront of my pc.. mengadap case.. erghh... tambah sakit otak ngadap cases yg berlembak nih.
-Tukar duit raya early morning... banyakkkk!!! My sis & my cousins nya portion skali. Sampul raya pun dpt banyak gaks lah.. tu pun awal2 dah tempah! Heshhh... kacau ja..
-Next Friday... ada berbuka puasa dinner kat Nikko Hotel. Yummy... prepare yur tummy lahh..apa lagik. sesi makan puas2!
What else? Erghh... ngantuks...
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Sahur pertama dibulan puasa!
Currently Listening to Brian Setzer Orchestra - Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Yucks.. this morning aku terlewat bangun for sahur! 1st day sahur aku makan nasi. All this while, either makan kurma 3 biji or just minum aja. Tak tahan dah perut pedih bila tiba tengari. Had simple dish ja since dah terlewat bangun.
Yesterday, early in the morning our beloved PM's wife died @ 0750 due to breast cancer. Takziah diucapkan. Then, ada lah syaitan mana terlepas dari kurungan dah hack server Bernama and manipulate their news saying that next Monday will be declared as public holiday. Heh.. kenapa monday yek? Was thinking its just a hoax! Cant be Monday by logic sense! All my colleagues dah berjoget hepi dah.. hey... cut the crap lah! It was a hoax jerk and confirmed few hour after that. Kalau cuti pun, bank tak boleh simply cuti selagi takda circular dari BNM!
Well.. bad thing happen kat rumah nih. Bit pissed off! Dem you la pempuan. Muka ja cantik, perangai buruk! Pencurik pulak tuh... Haa.. aku marah nih. Erkk.. sabar..sabar.. sabar yerk..
Okeylah.. wa sabar nih beb! Gotta go now. Nak mandi and off to work!
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Annual Dinner

With Piyush Gupta. Citibank's Regional Manager (Malaysia) during Citibank's Annual Dinner 2005 @ Mandarin Oriental.
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Ofis durjane!!!
Currently Listening to Enya - Exile

Hari ni aku berbuka air kosong kat opis. Tak lalu nak telan nasik kuih maupun apa2 je jenis makanan. Satu kes blow petang tadi.. satu team kena. Dgn aku2 pun kena tempias. Syaiton durjane tul.. gara-gara si "William Hung" CI larrr.. Tensen kepala otak. Racist tak igt dunia. Colleague aku yg kena mark. Padahal silap org lain. Yg sepatunya kena, lepas camtu ja. Weii..mana aci. Siot tul lah.. Ni yg pakcik nak marah nih..
Esok..jumaat!! Lusa.. sabtu.. apa aku nak buat nih? Btw.. kepala ni ada sikit mereng! Kena brain wash tgh2 malam buta. So, masing2 tak berada didalam paksi yg betul.
Bateri kong dah. Mau tidur! daaaa.....
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Wake me up when Semptember ends
Currently Listening to Green Day - Wake Me Up when September ENDS!

Aloha.. well.. sebulan lebih aku tak mengupdate blog resah nih. heh.. sesi hibernate dah pun berlalu.. hibernate? silap.. aku dah fly satu dunia.. hinggap sekejap kat KL Airport, penat sey!!!Haha..
Well.. too many things happen during my hibernate seasons.My ups and downs.. the happiest and saddest moments.. Hehe..nothing much i can say, partly my mistakes too.. Shall raise your hands whenever u feel uncomfortable rite? One of the lessons they teach me! Hehe
Well.. where to start anyway? Herrm... one by one...
Starting from July, every weekend aku attend rehearsel untuk Hari Kebangsaan under Team KRB. So, every weekend start kul 2 petang.. till 6.. aku kena jemur kat Boulevard Putrajaya. It wasnt my plan at all anyway, i was invited to joing them bilamana aku saja dtg nak tgk cousins aku when wuddenly coach datang approac me to join them. Well.. not bad. Aku on aja since weekend pun dah takda aktiviti lagi. Starting from that, jadi ikan salai lah bawah mentari. Terasa sungguh kehitaman kulit. A week b4 31 Aug, full rehearsal kat Putrajaya. Riban2 manusia nak dijaga, till lepas abis latihan, were called to gather in front of the main stage. Ada la few words yg bit pedas yg Pak Ngah guna.. Hehe.. Kena kat bebudak sekolah lah.. KRB maintain beb! Well.. for persalinan, dpt 3 set.. 1 set lengkap dgn seluar, baju, kasut, cap. Okey lah tuh.. But after all, am gonna miss all the formation lah.. dem!! skrang ni pantang dengar all those songs like Kerana Mu M'sia.. etc.. sure aku teringat this part buat formation apa.. Uhhh.. missed it!. Nak tgk gambar? Nanti aku upload. pakai dial up.. sakit jiwa wa!
Thenn.. 2 weeks after that.. off to Rompin. Nice place.. nice ppl too!! Haha.. Tapi dpt tidur semalam ja. Summerset Hotel & Colonial Villas. Ha.. at 1st aku malas nak pegi, tp bila tgk gambar yg abg aku bg masa their 1st visit.. walaweehh.. wa nak pegi!! The journey took about 4-5 hours. All the way, aku tak berapa tidur sbb suka nak tgk permandangan. Ni baru betul cuci mata ye!kat situ...laut pun tak berapa berombak, sampai around 3, lepas lunch, gi jalan2 sepanjang pantai, romentik tull.. sib baik 3 org aweks pinggitan! Malam, ada bbq dinner.. the foods not bad, the best part.. ada rusa panggang! And lagi best.. aku dpt bahagian drumstik.. haha... penuh satu pinggan.. slamba kodok bawak masuk dlm. Datuk Minister pon ada skali, masa amik foods, he was standing kat sebelah aku. ehe.. kecik je orgnya, but am bit salute sama ni org lah. Lastly bout my trip here... WA TAK PUAS ATI SBB TAK DPT NAIK ATV!!! waaa.....
Orait.. what else? Then.. week/ 2 weeks after that... off to Kuching ... AGAIN?? Hehe.. jgn tak caya, aku pun tak caya anyway bila colleagues setuju nak pegi holday trip ke sana, 2nd time pegi Kuching till aku rasa aku dah hafal jalan kat situ. Jumaat pagi dgn flight Air Asia (should be MAS tp MAS dah habis.. huh.. tak besnya..) 19 of us flew to Kuching. Kali ni flight pegi balik, tak delayed macam the 1st time dulu. In fact, masa pegi, my group terlewat few mins as semua passenger dah on board. Haha.. Reach Kuching Airport @ 12pm. Sampai, terus check in hotel. Hilton Kuching..nice place.. bilik yg aku dpt pun mengadap Waterfront. Rest kejap.. then terus siap2 keluar.. took cab to my friends house. Haha.. tergezut Auntie tu tgk aku. Hehe.. sorry ye aunt, out of sudden je. Nite.. had dinner kat ... ermm.. dunno apa nama tempat tu. But.. i tried the "ayam golek" lah... hehe.. just nice. Had pizza for myself.
The next morning, uncle & aunt sent me back to Hilton early morning around 7.30 am. Was dem sleepy. Naik hotel.. aku belasah membuta kejap.. then mandi balik.. 8.30 baru turun breakfast. The foods? Pheww....nyesal tak turun awal. 9 am...off to Cultural Village. The bad thing..ramainya org. Uhh.. tak selesa nak berjalan. So.. tak semua rumah yg aku jelajah since aku dah penah sampai sini last April.. cuma bit upset dgn cultural show. Pendek je?And also part yg menarik pun takdak. Alahai.. dah la nak masuk kena berebut! Dgn bebudak skolah yg tak reti bahasa.. masin redah ja.. argh.. tensen nok!
Balik dr Cultural Village, singgah shopping kat town. Berabis jugak la aku, since my 1st visit ramai yg tak dpt souvenir & not too many things yg aku dpt beli.. so kali ni.. belasah abis2, my luggage pun dah boleh tahan besar.. hehe.. balik hotel.. lenggang2 ja jalan kaki. tidow sampai kul6, woke up at 6 and prepare for dinner. Lepas dinner, we had nite walking all over the waterfront. Hehe.. never did this.. but cam macam kat kl pulak, sbb ramai org and sepanjang laluan, jumpa la org jual gambir sarawak.
Sunday, journey back to KL was miserable. Something happen, 2 hours without hp.. huh.. mati kutu aku. Ermm.. nothing much i can sayyyy, was bit upset too... Let it be part of the history.
Semalam, i was on MC. Spec pecah.. 3 hari tak pakai.. headache giler. Petang.. kena food allergy, gatal2 & ada spot like mosquito bites all over my body. Very itchy lahh.. cant stand that. Sib baik ada tukang garu.. mekaseh ye tukang garu! hehe.. Then after berbuka, was rushed to clinic @ Pandan Jaya. Kena injection.. urghh.. tak sukanya. But since its fast releif, aku belasah ja..
Was wondering apa yg aku makan nite b4.. Now, even bengkak2 dah tarak.. tp kadang2 rasa itchy sket.. gatal.. abis luka aku garu.
Dah lewat nih..rasanya, dah lebih 360 patah perkataan aku tulih nih.. HEhe.. dari noe idea.. berjela2 pulak.. tu pun stil ada lagi yg tertinggal.. Nanti next post aku cerita lah. Gambar? Nanti ada masa Starbucks rulez.. will upload.
Anyway..anyhow.. Shall say gewd nite to all, buddies!. Have a nice day ahead. Puasa dah seminggu.. 3 more weeks to go. Yg kat seberang, tak dpt balik, aku post gambar makan lemang rendang ketupat jer lah yer.. jgn marah. Ni turn korang..sabar je! HEhe.. Nite all..
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Monday, August 01, 2005
LOTR rulez!!
Watching LOTR-Fellowship of the RIng

At the mmt, sambil mengadap tv, sambil update blog and finish up few things. Just bought new TV and a portable DVD player(pas ni kalau gi holiday lagi, bleh angkut sekali..). Rasanya, afterwards collection DVD pun makin bertambah lah, starting with LOTR.. next..CSI, ALias, Star Wars.. Harry Potter and.. tgklah mana yg sempat aku tangkap dulu. Rasanya, macam ketinggalan ja aku ni sbb LOTR dah berabad keluar, but aku baru ja nak tgk. Kan? Well.. not that aku tak minat nak tgk kat cinema, kat rumah pun mmg ada vcd lanun, but kualiti gambar tak berapa bes, tak selera sgt nak tgk. So, aku tunggu sampai ada dvd player nih, kumpul collection sendiri.. tgk kat rumah..lagi seronok. (Kinda confession huh??) Hehe.. tomorow, few more dvds to come!!
Feel lost lately,.. Tryin to figure out what i've done, so wrong, tryin to talk but never got the answers,..Maybe its time for me to fly again.. Kinda sad, what else can i say.. i'm just...millions sorry.
I think, Legolas & Frodo is watching me.. not the other way it should be.. hehe.. guys.. have a nice days ahead... Good night..
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
"If u see a butterfly around, its just me checking if u r alright.."
Currently Listening to The First Noel by Kenny G

Bit late tonite..

Just want to update that today is my first day gaji as C***beng employee. Kinda sad, my plan to celebrate was ruined as i have to stayback to get ready with new tasks and....oh. ..urm.. lupakan saja... Baru sebulan hired, dah 2 job function aku dpt. Penin makcik.
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
How was i to know
Currently listening to Menanti Sebuah Jawapan by Padi (Theme song for Ungu Violet)

Hell.. tonite, mata tak leh nak lelap.. tapi badan letih sgt. Went home so late.. apa gila malam ni, lalok carik cd merata kl, tp semua kedai banyak dah tutup and.. pulang dengan hampa. Gara-gara lagu kat atas tuh.. well.. this month..crazy for that song and lagi satu theme song for rancangan realiti amal tv3 that, Bersamamu; Jac-wajah. Well.. luckily, malam ni berjaya gak jumpa lagu ni dlm kazaa. Tapi sound tak berapa elok. Its fine as long as i can hear it again and again!!!!!(am considering to buy mp3 player 512 or... mini ipod terus..tgk budget.. tgu pcFair bulan 8 kat sebelah opis aku..)
Hidung aku dah berair sakan nih, seems nak selsema + demam = minum air banyak2. Berembun lagik...mana taknya. Hope by tomorrow morning.. it will getin better. Letih aaahh.. Kat luar still ujan lagik..shall tarik selimut by now.. Preparing for tomorrow.. 1 hari yg tragik dah pun berlalu...

Menanti sebuah Jawaban by Padi
Aku tak bisa luluhkan hatimu
Dan aku tak bisa menyentuh cintamu
seiring jejak kakiku bergetar
Aku tak terpagut oleh cintamu
Menelusup hariku dengan harapan
Namun kau masih terdiam membisu
Sepenuhnya aku ingin memelukmu

Mendekap penuh harapan tuk mencintaimu
Setulusnya aku akan terus menunggu
Menanti sebuah jawaban tuk memilikimu
AmBetapa pilunya rindu menusuk jiwaku

Semoga kau tau isi hatiku
Dan seiring waktu yg terus berputar
Aku masih terhanyut dalam mimpiku

Wajah - Jaclyn Victor
Berbumbungkan angkasa kelabu Lantainya bumi retak seribuSetiap langkah perjalananmuBeronak berliku Betapa berat mata memandang Berat bahu menggalas bebanan Belum sempat menitis ke pipi Tangisan kering sendiri
Berkali tersungkur Pandanganmu kabur Namun azam meneruskan hidup Tak pernah luntur
Engkaulah perwira Di medan derita Merentasi ranjau kehidupan Dengan harapan
Luahan rasa derita jiwa Pada wajah tiada rahsia Menunggu malang berganti tuah Usah kau berputus asaKaulah wira
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Monday, July 18, 2005
Que sera sera..
Currently listening to When Will I See U Again by Barry Manilow

Last night quietly he walked through my mind
As I lay searching for sleep
His arms reached out he whispered my name
As he brushed a tear from my cheek
And then those funny familiar forgotten feelings
Started walking all over my mind
It's sad so sad to watch love go bad
But a true love would not have gone wrong
I'm just thankful for the good times we've had
For without them
I could not go on
With all those funny familiar forgotten feelings
Walking all over my mind
Now I must go on be strong
though a million teardrops may fall
Before those funny familiar forgotten feelings
Stopped walking all over my mind
Before those funny familiar forgotten feelings
Stopped walking all over my mind
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Alahai keta...

Currently listening to Goodbye to You by Michelle Branch

Location : Ampang MRR2
Time : Around 5pm

Kancil WGG kena langgar ngan van M** ****. The car taken by Abg Shawn to do alignment and balancing, after our lunch meal kat Sushi King Ampang Point, we all berpecah as me my sis and Kak Fad gi C4 to buy food for our makan2 in Desa View. Well.. the car was hit by blue van on the same way heading to Gombak. Police report was lodged at Ampang Jaya Police Station. C4-Ampang.. sib baik la ujan drizzle ja..Mummy, daddy we all tak bgtau lagi... only Angah ja yg tau.
Maybe esok kot bg Along nak bgtau..biar benda dah reda sket..Maklumlah..zaman kegawatan ekonomi nih.. semuanya merudum...Masa on the way to Ampang nak gi makan Sushi.. baru ja borak dgn along pasal nak beli keta baru.. merajuk agaknye Cik Kancil WGG nih.. Alamak..sori lah cik Kancil, patah tumbuh hilang berganti..

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Thursday, July 14, 2005
Star Wars rulez!!!!
Currently listening to She Will be Loved by Maroon 5

Now i know, mana datangnya Anakin Skywalker.. kewujudan Darth Vader.. Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker.. Star Wars ada 6 series which is jalan cerita nya bermula kat series yg ke4. Pelik? Tapi menarik! Anyway bukannya aku baru tau, last month berjaya gak aku tgk episod Revenge of the Sith nih.. So.. in the next episod.. kisah anak bunuh bapak. Rasanya aku kena mula kumpul balik dvd Star Wars nih..
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